Qualifications / Experience / Partial Client List


Instructor Yavapai College, Prescott, AZ Accredited courses in Drawing I, Colored pencil Pastel, Oil Acrylic Painting four years

Instructor “Take A Bite Out of Art” College for Kids at Yavapai College

Instructor "Experience the Arts" at Yavapai College.

Instructor Art Center College of Design seven years

Instructor In Residence University of South Dakota at Vermillion

Instructor Sedona Arts Center Sedona, AZ , sculpture &colored pencil over a period of twenty years

Instructor Red Rock High School, Sedona, AZ four day colored pencil workshop three years

Instructor in the following media: oil acrylic painting,colored pencil/pastel drawing at The Art Store Prescott AZ five years


Forty plus years of professional application of the above disciplines to National and International clients and galleries

Graphic Designer Illustrator Lockheed Aircraft Corp, Burbank,CA

Past member and Board member Society of Illustrators, Los Angeles

Founding Member Los Angeles County Sherriff’s Documentary Art Program

Member USAirForce Documentary Art Program

Member Society of American Historical Artists
American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog Registered Artist

Book Illustrations “The Cavalier in Fact and Fancy” by Barbara Garnett-Wilson

Gallery Artist Partial List: Altermann Galleries TX & NM,Huesberg Gallery, AZ, DiTommasso Galleries, WY & AZ

Cover art and spot illustrations for:
“The Royal Dispatch”
"Sedona Magazine"
"BLVD." magazine
"The Enthusiast" magazine


Graduate BFA Art Center College of Design,Pasadena, CA

Yavapai College, Prescott, AZ Certified as Adjunct Faculty; Instruction, Assessment & Management in Classroom


Motor Trend Magazine

Universal Studios

National Football League

Bob Hope

Danny Thomas

Robert Redford

Zandra Ralphs

Eddie Basha

United States Historical Society 50th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion

U.S.A.F. Documentary Art Program

The Phoenix Zoo

Out of Africa

Valley Forge Military Academy and College

Kennel Club of Beverley Hills